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Wolf Cub Quiz

Who is Kaa?

The elephant in the "Jungle Book"

The black panther in the "Jungle Book"

The snake in the "Jungle Book"

Mowgli's human friend


In what country did Mowgli live?






What does the name Akela mean?

It is an Indian word meaning "The leader"

It is an Indian word meaning "One who is alone"

It is just a made up word

It is a Latin word meaning "One who leads strongly"



What proficiency badge has a picture of a rabbit on it?

Craftsman's badge

Swimming badge

Observer's badge

No badge has such a picture


Which one has a picture of a frog on it?

Craftsman's badge

Swimming badge

Observer's badge

No badge has such a picture


What does DYB mean?

It doesn't mean anything, it is just said in grand howl

Domus Yorasum Bosnat

Do Your Best

Deliver Your Best


What cub badge can be worn after you have gone up into Scouts?


Leaping Wolf

Six triangle

Sixer stripes


Who wrote about Baloo?

Rudyard Kindle

Rudoth Kindle

Rudoth Kipling

Rudyard Kipling


In which pack did Mowgli run with?

He didn't run with a pack

The Seeonee Pack

The Suesea Pack

Akela's Pack


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