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Tenderfoot Quiz

1. What flies upside down when in distress?

Tenderfoot Badge

A bat

The Union Flag

Patrol Flash


2. Baden-Powell's initials were R.S.S. What did they stand for?

Robert Stephenson Smyth

Robertson Stephen Smyth

Robertson Stephen Smith

Robertson Stephen Smith


3. Which Tenderfoot knot is used for taking the strain off a weak part in a rope?






4. How often are Jamborees normally held?

Every one year

Every two years

Every three years

Every four years


5. What do you do with a kabob?

Stalk It

Eat It

Climb It


6. Which Scout law should a whipped rope's end remind you of?

 The 1st

 The 2nd

 The 5th

 The 8th

 The 9th

 The 10th


7. Which is the shortest Scout law?

The 1st

The 2nd

The 9th

The 10th


8. Which is the Longest?

The 1st

The 2nd

The 4th

The 9th


9. Who was Robert Hindmarsh

The observant boy in yarn number 3 in Scouting for Boys

The observant boy in yarn number 2 in Scouting for Boys

The editor of Scouting for Boys

The previous Chief Scout


10. Which side of lint goes next to the would?

Smooth Side

Woolly side


11. When was Baden-Powell acclaimed Chief Scout of the World?






12. How should a Scout salute when both of his hands are occupied?

He is not expected to in this situation

By turning the head smartly in the direction of the one saluted

Put down one of the items and salute as per holding a stave

Put down all the items and salute as per normal


13. Is it against Scouting rules to hitch-hike?


Yes without exception

Yes except for an emergency

Yes if in uniform


14. Which Tenderfoot knot should be used for tying a hawser to a buoy?

Reef knot

Round turn and two half hitches


all the above



15. Who became Chief Scout when Baden-Powell died?

Bear Grills

Lord Somers

Peter Duncan

Sir Charles Maclean


16. What happened in 1601?

Banner of St. George added to the Union Flag

Banner of St. Patrick added to the Union Flag

Banner of St. David added to the Union Flag

Banner of St. Andrew added to the Union Flag



17. Which knot is used in first-aid because it is flat and will not slip?

Round turn and two half hitches

Reef knot


All the above


18. What else does a Scout make when he makes the Scout Promise?

A pledge

The Scout Sign

A cup of tea

His woggle


19. Baden-Powell made an eleventh, unwritten Scout law. What is it?

To this day it is unknown

A scout is a true friend

A scout is not a fool

There is no unwritten law


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